The International Studies Association (ISA) is holding its 60th annual conference on the 27th of March. Founded in 1959, the ISA is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations dedicated to understanding international, transnational and global affairs. At the upcoming conference I am delighted to share that I will be presenting and joining in panel discussions. I will be on panel SD62: Global Politics of energy talking about “The True Cost of Renewables” with Dr Teresa Kramarz (University of Toronto), and Dr Craig A. Johnson (University of Guelph). My presentation will be “A Genealogy: The Multilateral Development Banks and the Accountability as Justice Norm” on the panel: SA39: Writing Environmental Norms: Scholarship and Progress in Global Environmental Politics.
Can’t wait to get to Toronto!
Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash
Photo by Jorge Vasconez on Unsplash