Database: Claims Submitted to the Multilateral Development Bank Accountability Mechanisms 1994-2024
Database: Claims Submitted to the Multilateral Development Bank Accountability Mechanisms 1994-2022
The dataset represents a summary depiction of grievance cases brought to the Accountability Mechanisms (AMs) of the six Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) from 1994 to 2022: The Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank (IBRD/IDA) and the World Bank Group (IFC and MIGA). These Accountability Mechanisms were created to enable people adversely or potentially adversely affected by a project or program financed by the MDBs to take their concerns to the Banks for recourse. The Accountability Mechanisms generally do not stop the project or provide material reparations. They seek to stop or prevent harm and mitigate the negative aspects of a development project.
A goal of development banks is the eradication of poverty.
The objective of the database is to be able to garner a quick qualitative snapshot of any given case, as well as to be able to aggregate quantitative data for each AM as a whole and to identify trends over time. Each of the grievance mechanisms has a specific name, which may have changed over time. It may also be comprised of more than one office with separate functions (i.e. consulting with affected people versus a compliance investigation). Most of the Accountability Mechanisms now have separate functions, with the consultation process also called problem solving. The compliance phase is to investigate whether the MDBs have complied with their environmental and social policies and whether this has led to harm. The Accountability Mechanisms are detailed below.
The original dataset includes cases received by the AMs from the beginning of each mechanism until 31st December 2016. The last update for cases is December 2022.
Environmental Recourse at the Multilateral Development Banks (Cambridge University Press, 2020) uses data from this database to present all known submissions to the IAMs (1,052 claims from 1994 to mid-2019), and investigate how the IAMs enable people to air their grievances, without necessarily solving their problems.