Books and Book Chapters
Books and edited books
The Politics of 21st Century Environmental Disasters.
Susan Park
Park, S. (2023). The Politics of 21st Century Environmental Disasters. London and New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis).
The Good Hegemon
Susan Park
Park, S., 2022, The Good Hegemon: How the United States helps People hold the Multilateral Development Banks to Account. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Learn more here.
Environmental Recourse at the Multilateral Development Banks
Susan Park
Data from this book drawn from the public database on grievances accessible here.
Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap
Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz
International Organisations and Global Problems: Theories and Explanations
Park, S. (2018). International Organisations and Global Problems: Theories and explanations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Available through: Amazon and Cambridge University Press
This book is available as a teaching resource for lecturers teaching courses in international relations, international organisations and global governance.
World Bank Group interactions with Environmentalists: Changing International Organisation Identities
Park, S. (2010). World Bank Group interactions with Environmentalists: Changing International Organisation Identities. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Available through: Amazon and Manchester University Press
Journal Articles and Other Publications
Journal articles
Kate Owens, George Carter, Susan Park, and Gemma Viney, 2025, “Addressing the Climate Adaptation-Finance Gap: Pathways for the Green Climate Fund in the Pacific” Earth Systems Governance 24: 100247.
Craig Johnson, Susan Park, and Teresa Kramarz, 2025, “The unbearable lightness of lithium governance: Legitimizing extraction for a just and sustainable energy transition,” Earth Systems Governance 23: 100235
Gunaydin, E., Park, S. (2024). Accountability Enablers? The Role of Transnational Activism in the Use of the Multilateral Development Bank Grievance Mechanisms. Policy and Society, 43(1), 83-97. [More Information]
Park, S., Gunaydin, E. (2024). Australia as an ecocidal middle power. Australian Journal of International Affairs. [More Information]
McDonald, M., Park, S., Anantharajah, K., Burke, A., Celermajer, D., Evans, M., Eckersley, R., Gulliver, R., McNaught, R., Morgan, W., Schlosberg, D. (2024). Ecological Crises and Ecopolitics Research in Australia. Australian Journal of Politics and History. [More Information]
Park, S., Kramarz, T., Johnson, C. (2024). Governance gaps and accountability traps in renewables extractivism. Environmental Policy and Governance. [More Information]
Park, S., Owens, K., Summerfield-Ryan, O., Taylor, M., Ulloa, A., Viney, G. (2023). How Can Pacific Island Countries Meet Their Nationally Determined Contributions? npj Climate Action, 2(23), 1-11. [More Information]
Widmaier, W., Davies, M., Elliott, L., Emmers, R., Hamilton-Hart, N., He, W., Loke, B., Park, S. (2023). Introduction: Diplomacy and Ambiguity—Constructing Interests in Cooperation. Asia Policy, 18(4), 1-10. [More Information]
Park, S. (2023). Kim Maloney, Who Matters at the World Bank? Bureaucrats, Policy Change and Public Sector Governance. The Review of International Organizations, 18(online), 419-423. [More Information]
Widmaier, W., Elliott, L., Davies, M., Hamilton-Hart, N., He, W., Loke, B., Emmers, R., Park, S. (2023). Roundtable on Diplomacy and Ambiguity: Constructing Interests in Cooperation. Asia Policy, 18(4), 2-10.
Park, S. (2023). The African Development Bank and the Accountability Policy Norm: Endogenous Change, Norm Conformance, and Regime Complex Coherence. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions, 26(1), 61-84. [More Information]
Summerfield-Ryan, O., Park, S. (2023). The Power of Wind: The Global Wind Energy Industry's Successes and Failures. Ecological Economics, 210(August), 107841-1-107841-9. [More Information]
Park, S. (2022). The Politics of 21st Century Environmental Disaster. Environmental Politics, 31(1), 1-7. [More Information]
Park, S. (2022). The Role of the Sovereign state in 21st century environmental disasters. Environmental Politics, 31(1), 8-27. [More Information]
S. Park, 2022, “Water Scarcity, Intergenerational Dynamics and Music,” (with F. Molina) Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 41 (1).
Park, S., 2022, “The Politics of 21st Century Environmental Disasters,” Environmental Politics 31 (1): 1-7.
Park, S. (2021). “Policy Norms, the Development Finance Regime Complex, and Holding the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Account,” Global Policy, vol 12. May 2021. Access here.
Park, S. (2021). “The Role of the Sovereign State in 21st Century Environmental Disasters,” Environmental Politics. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2021.1892983
Kramarz, T, Park, S. and Johnson, C. (2021). “Governing the Dark Side of Renewable Energy: A Typology of Global Displacements.” Energy Research & Social Science 74: 101902.
Park, S. (2017). Accountability as Justice for the Multilateral Development Banks? Borrower Opposition and Bank Avoidance to US Power and Influence. Review of International Political Economy, 24(5), 776-801. [More Information]
Kramarz, T., Park, S. (2017). Introduction: The Politics of Environmental Accountability. Review of Policy Research, 34(1), 4-9. [More Information]
Kramarz, T., Park, S. (2016). Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action? Global Environmental Politics, 16(2), 1-21. [More Information]
Park, S. (2015). Assessing Accountability in Practice: The Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism. Global Policy, 6(4), 455-465. [More Information]
Park, S. (2015). Governing the Environment: Three Motivating Factors. Ethics and International Affairs, 29(4), 433-442. [More Information]
Park, S. (2014). Institutional isomorphism and the Asian Development Bank's accountability mechanism: something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue? The Pacific Review, 27(2), 217-239. [More Information]
Park, S. (2014). Socialisation and the liberal order. International Politics, 51(3), 334-349. [More Information]
Griffin, P., Hastings, J., Park, S. (2013). Asia Pacific Going Forward: A View from OCIS V. Global Change, Peace and Security, 25(1), 1-4. [More Information]
Simpson, A., Park, S. (2013). The Asian Development Bank as a Global Risk Regulator in Myanmar. Third World Quarterly, 34(10), 1858-1871. [More Information]
Widmaier, W., Park, S. (2012). Differences Beyond Theory: Structural, Strategic, and Sentimental Approaches to Normative Change. International Studies Perspectives, 13(2), 123-134. [More Information]
Park, S. (2010). Designing Accountability, International Economic Organisations and the World Bank's Inspection Panel. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), 13-36. [More Information]
Park, S. (2009). International Organizations: Agents of Change in the Twenty-First Century? Politika Annual Journal, 16-22.
Park, S. (2009). Review Essay: Ask the Experts? The World Bank and International Development Lending in the 21st Century. Review of International Political Economy, 16(2), 329-349. [More Information]
Park, S. (2009). The World Bank, Dams and the Meaning of Sustainable Development in Use. Journal of International Law and International Relations, 5(1), 93-122. [More Information]
Weaver, C., Park, S. (2007). The Role of the World Bank in Poverty Alleviation and Human Development in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions, 13(4), 461-468. [More Information]
Park, S. (2007). The World Bank Group: Championing Sustainable Development Norms? Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions, 13(4), 535-556. [More Information]
Park, S. (2006). Theorizing Norm Diffusion Within International Organizations. International Politics, 43(3), 342-361. [More Information]
Park, S. (2005). How Transnational Environmental Advocacy Networks Socialise IFIs: A Case Study of the International Finance Corporation. Global Environmental Politics, 5(4), 95-119. [More Information]
Park, S. (2005). Norm Diffusion within International Organisations: A Case Study of the World Bank. Journal of International Relations and Development, 8(2), 111-141. [More Information]
Park, S. (2004). The Role Of Transnational Advocacy Networks In Reconstituting International Organization Identitites. Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Volume 5, Number(2 : Summer/Fall 2004), 79-92. [More Information]
Edited journals
Park, S., Kramarz, T. (2017). Accountability, Policy and Environmental Governance. Review of Policy Research, 34(1). [More Information]
Park, S., Kramarz, T. (2016). Special Section: Accountability in Global Environmental Governance. Global Environmental Politics, 16(2). [More Information]
Park, S., Griffin, P., Hastings, J. (2013). Asia Pacific Going Forward: A View from OCIS V. Global Change, Peace and Security, 25(1). [More Information]
Park, S. (2007). The World Bank under Wolfensohn. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions, 13(2).
Book chapters
Park, S. (2023). State sovereignty, turbulence, and environmental disasters in global environmental politics. In Peter Dauvergne and Leah Shipton (Eds.), Global Environmental Politics in a Turbulent Era, (pp. 103-115). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. [More Information]
Park, S. (2023). The role of the Sovereign state in 21st century environmental disasters. In Susan Park (Eds.), The Politics of 21st Century Environmental Disasters. London and New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis).
Park, S. (2022). Great Powers, Climate Change, and Global Environmental Responsibilities. In Barry Buzan, Robert Falkner (Eds.), Great Powers, Climate Change, and Global Environmental Responsibilities. Oxford: OUP. [More Information]
Park, S. (2022). The World Bank (Group) and sustainable development. De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. [More Information]
Park, S. (2022). What Responsibility for International Organisations? The independent accountability mechanisms of the multilateral development banks. In Not known (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook on Responsibility in International Relations, (pp. 288-300). TBC. [More Information]
Park, S., 2022, “Great Environmental Powers and Multilateral Environmental Agreements,” in Robert Falkner and Barry Buzan (eds), Great Powers and Environmental Responsibilities, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Park, S. 2020, “The World Bank,” edited by Jean-Frédéric Morin and Amandine Orsini, Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance, second edition Abingdon: Routledge. Revised from first edition.
Park, S., 2020, “IOs in World Politics,” in The Globalization of World Politics, Eighth Edition, by John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Revised from seventh edition.
Park, S. 2020, “IAMs and International Standards of Accountability” in The Practice of Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs) by Owen McIntyre and Suresh Nanwani (eds), Brill Nijhoff, Boston and London, pp 162-181.
Park, S., 2019, “Contesting International Development by Advocating for Citizen Driven Accountability for the Multilateral Development Banks,” in Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State: Contestation, Escalation, Exit by Felix Anderl, Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Victor Kempf, Jannik Pfister, and Phillip Wallmeier, Roman and Littlefield.
Park, S., 2019, “the ‘Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism” the Max Plank Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law MPEiPro, Oxford University Press:
Park, S., 2019, “Identifying Multiple Accountabilities in Global Environmental Governance” with Teresa Kramarz, in Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap, edited by Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 3-34.
Park, S., 2019, “Does Accountability Matter for Global Environmental Governance?” with Teresa Kramarz, in Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap, edited by Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 199-220
Park, S. (2018). Constructivism. In Thomas Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson (Eds.), International Organization and Global Governance, (pp. 146-156). London and New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis).
Park, S. (2017). IOs in World Politics. In John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens (Eds.), Globalization in World Politics, (pp. 316-330). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
Park, S., Strand, J. (2016). Global economic governance and the development practices of the multilateral development banks. In Susan Park, Jonathan R. Strand (Eds.), Global Economic Governance and the Development Practices of the Multilateral Development Banks, (pp. 3-20). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Park, S. (2016). The Multilateral Development Banks: Innovation or Stagnation? In Bo Zhiyue (Eds.), China-US Relations in Global Perspective, (pp. 108-125). Wellington: Victoria University Press. [More Information]
Strand, J., Park, S. (2016). The RDBs in the Twenty-First Century. In Susan Park, Jonathan R. Strand (Eds.), Global Economic Governance and the Development Practices of the Multilateral Development Banks, (pp. 212-223). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Park, S. (2015). The World Bank - plus ca change? Comment. In Patrick Weller, Xu Yi-chong (Eds.), The Politics of International Organizations: Views from insiders, (pp. 87-92). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. [More Information]
Park, S. (2013). Transnational Environmental Activism. In Robert Falkner (Eds.), The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, (pp. 268-285). UK: John Wiley & Sons. [More Information]
Park, S. (2012). Bankers Governing the Environment? Private Authority, Power Diffusion and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. In Stefano Guzzini and Iver B. Neumann (Eds.), The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy Meets Foucault, (pp. 141-171). Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
Park, S. (2012). Greening Development Finance: Cases from the World Bank Group. In Peter Dauvergne (Eds.), Handbook Of Global Environmental Politics, Second Edition, (pp. 363-374). Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
Park, S., Weaver, C. (2012). The anatomy of autonomy: The case of the World Bank. In Joel Oestreich (Eds.), International Organizations as Self-Directed Actors, (pp. 91-117). Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge. [More Information]
Park, S. (2011). Os Ambientalistas Poderao 'tornar verde' a Agencia Multilateral de Garantia de Investimentos. In Monica Dias Martins, Rosemary Galli (Eds.), Multilateralismo e Reacoes Sul Americanos, (pp. 83-116). Brazil: Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará. [More Information]
Park, S., Vetterlein, A. (2010). Do policy norms reconstitute global development? In Susan Park, Antje Vetterlein (Eds.), Owning Development: Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank, (pp. 225-247). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
Park, S., Vetterlein, A. (2010). Owning development: creating policy norms in the IMF and the World Bank. In Susan Park, Antje Vetterlein (Eds.), Owning Development: Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank, (pp. 3-26). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
Park, S. (2010). The World Bank's global safeguard policy norm? In Susan Park, Antje Vetterlein (Eds.), Owning Development: Creating Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank, (pp. 181-203). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
Park, S. (2009). Socialisation, The World Bank Group and Global Environmental Governance. In Biermann, Frank; Siebenhuner, Bernd; Schreyogg, Anna (Eds.), International Organisations in Global Environmental Governance, (pp. 91-110). London and New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
Park, S. (2007). Becoming Green: Diffusing sustainable development norms throughout the World Bank Group. In Diane Stone and Christopher Wright (Eds.), The World Bank and Governance: A Decade of Reform and Reaction, (pp. 168-188). Abingdon & New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
Keynote speaker at the Earth Systems Governance conference in Utrecht, November 2018, learn more here.
Park, S. (2018). Environmental Justice and the Asian Development Bank. Asian Studies Association of Australia conference, Sydney: Asian Studies Association of Australia conference. Learn more here.
Park, S. (2018). The Declining Independence of the World Bank Inspection Panel?. International Political Studies Association annual conference, Brisbane: International Political Studies Association annual conference. Learn more here.
Park, S. (2018). Greening the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development through Accountability?. International Studies Association Annual conference, San Francisco: International Studies Association Annual conference. Learn more here.
Park, S., Kramarz, T. (2014). Conceptualising 'Accountability' in Global Environmental Governance: Can there be a Single Definition? Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance: Access and Allocation in the Anthropocene, Norwich UK: Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance.
Park, S. (2014). Hegemony for Good: The US, Coercive Isomorphism and External Accountability for the Multilateral Development Banks. Oceanic Conference of International Studies, 2014 (6th), Melbourne: Oceanic Conference on International Studies (OCIS).
Park, S., Vetterlein, A. (2014). The Power of Norms: Norm Decline in International Organizations. International Studies Association Conference 2014, USA: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2013). What Role Does Organisational Culture Play in Explaining Change in the Multilateral Development Banks. International Studies Association Conference 2013, San Francisco: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2009). Risking Business? Environmental Advocacy and the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. 50th International Studies Association Annual Conference ISA 2009, United States: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2008). Assessing the Accountability of the World Bank Group. 49th International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2008). The World Bank: Owning Global Safeguard Policy Norms? 80th Annual Conference of the Canadaian Political Science Association, 2008 (CPSA 2008), Canada: Canadian Political Science Association.
Park, S. (2007). Greening Up: The World Bank Group in Global Environmental Governance. 48th Annual International Studies Association Convention 2007, Tucsin, Arizona: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2007). Norm Contetsation: World Bank's Sustainable Development. 48th Annual International Studies Association Convention 2007, Tucsin, Arizona: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2006). UNEP's Finance Initiative: Beyond Bluewash? International Studies Association 47th Annual Convention (ISA 2006), Tuscon,Arizona: International Studies Association.
Park, S. (2004). Greening Political Risk: Transnational Advocacy Networks And The World Bank Group. 1st Oceanic Conference on International Studies 2004, online: Australian National University (ANU).
Park, S. (2003). 'Greening' the international finance corporation: transnational environmental advocacy networks and sustainable development. Australasian Political Studies Association Conference 2003, Australia: University of Tasmania.
Reference works
Park, S. (2014). The World Bank. In Jean-Frederic Morin and Amandine Orsini (Eds.), Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Park, S. (2013). Organisations and Regional Environmental Regimes. Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific, supplement to John Baylis and Steve Smith, The Globalization of World Politics. (pp. 34-38). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
Park, S. (2013). The Asian Development Bank in the Pacific. Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific, supplement to John Baylis and Steve Smith, The Globalization of World Politics. (pp. 56-59). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
Research reports
Owens, K., Park, S., Viney, G. (2021). Unsettling Resources: Renewable Energy in the Pacific, Sydney: Sydney Environment Institute. [More Information]
Park, S., McConchie, R., Walters, E., Goodwin, N. (2011). Outreach for Good Governance and Development Effectiveness through the Accountability Mechanism, (pp. 8 - 62). , UNSPECIFIED: Asian Development Bank. [More Information]
Other Appearances
Park S. 2015 Accountability in Global Environmental Governance. Sydney Environment Institute, 18-19 December 2015. [more information]
Selected Invited Presentations
Park, S. 2020, Keynote Presentation: “Addressing Environmental and Social Harm through the Independent Accountability Mechanisms of the Multilateral Development Banks,” Ninth International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production,” Melbourne 26 May.
Park, S. 2016: “Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action?” Environment Lab, Munck School of International Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada, February 25.
Park, S. 2016: “Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action?” Department of Government and the Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, United States, February 23.
Park, S. 2016: Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action?” Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Affairs, Yale University, United States, February 22.
Park, S. 2015: "Institutional Isomorphism and the Multilateral Development Banks," New Zealand Government's Department of Treasury, Wellington, October 7.
Park, S. 2014: "Accountability Mechanisms of the MDBs: How do they compare?," Symposia of all the Accountability Mechanisms, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London, UK, September 14.
Park, S. 2013: “US influence in the Multilateral Development Banks,” Institute for Global and International Studies, the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, U.S, October 3.
Park, S. 2013: “Institutional Isomorphism, the Multilateral Development Banks and the Diffusion of Accountability Mechanisms,” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, March 28.
Park, S. 2013: “Accountability Mechanisms for the MDBs: The Case of the ADB” Innovations in Transnational Accountability workshop, the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, March 21.
Park, S. 2012: “Something Old, Something New; Something Borrowed, Something Blue? Institutional Isomorphism and the Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism” Global Development Group, University of Aberystwyth, U.K November 12.
Park, S. 2012: “Something Old, Something New; Something Borrowed, Something Blue? Institutional Isomorphism and the Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism” School of the Social Science and Humanities, Murdoch University, October 25.
Park, S. 2012: “Something Old, Something New; Something Borrowed, Something Blue? Institutional Isomorphism and the Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism” School of Politics and International Relations, ANU, 7 August.
Park, S. 2009: “Owning Development: Creating Global Policy Norms in the IMF and the World Bank” International Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, June.
Park, S. 2009: “The Social Design of International Institutions: External Accountability Mechanisms for Multilateral Development Banks” Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham, U.K April.
Park, S. 2009: “The World Bank: Owning the Global Safeguard Policy Norm?” Department of Geography, the London School of Economics, U.K January.