Accountability in Global Environmental Governance
Our book is out!
An examination of whether accountability mechanisms in global environmental governance that focus on monitoring and enforcement necessarily lead to better governance and better environmental outcomes Learn more
Project details
The Accountability in Global Environmental Governance project is co-convened with Dr Teresa Kramarz from the University of Toronto. We have built a research program on how to assess (and ultimately ensure) the accountability of global environmental governance.
The research program seeks:
To create a coherent theoretical framework to investigate the nature of accountability in global environmental governance;
To examine whether accountability gaps exist across environmental cases within the framework; and
To identify whether these gaps constitute a governance problem and can be ameliorated.
The driving aim of the program is to undertake collaborative work thus building a path-breaking map of accountability gaps and their causes. The AGEG hopes to gather insights from scholars and practitioners interested in accountability issues that can be mutually beneficial for advancing this research program which will advance our research on the analytical problem of accountability in earth system governance.
Data and Publications
Two special edition publications have resulted from this project:
Special Issue: Accountability, Policy and Environmental Governance
Earth Systems Governance project
Co-author of this project, Teresa Kramarz, and I convene a Task Force of AGEG as part of the Earth Systems Governance Project. The website for the project can be found here.
Interview with Susan Park (University of Sydney) at the conference "Disclosing Sustainability, the Transformative Power of Transparency", 2016.